Monday, September 30, 2019

Black on Black Crime Essay

Undeniably, stereotyping has always been rampant in our society. These stereotyping may either be through gender, age, occupation and the most popular of all, perhaps—race. Part of stereotyping is associating a certain group of people to whether good or bad demeanor. And perhaps, almost known to all is the black-on-black crime. This kind of crime is usually pushed to happen due to the prejudice of the society. As Black Americans are subjected to discrimination and injustice, black-on-black crimes are most likely to occur. Black-on-black crimes are the kind of crimes which are committed on Blacks with their fellow Blacks as the offenders. At present, the African Americans remain more segregated that any other racial group in the world. Some of them even experience â€Å"residential isolation† (Quillian, 1999). Past studies show that â€Å"white flight† or the avoidance of white is the main reason of racial discrimination. While there are only 12 percent African American living in the United States, 45 percent of the victims of murder in year 2002 also come from them; 91 percent of them are killed by their fellow Black Americans. Statistics show that homicide tops the list of the leading causes of death among Black men, while suicide in landed on the second notch on the causes of death among Black women aged 15-24 (Greaves). These figures or statistics, of course, are just a reflection of social reality. Racial discrimination, though not as rampant in the past decades still hounds out society that is a great factor contributing to the crime rate among Black Americans. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME† PAGE#2 Prior Research Despite the society’s eventual tolerance on racial differences, there are still studies that show that whites do not prefer in places where there are a lot of African Americans thriving in. In a research survey conducted, most of the white Americans who were asked in the survey said they prefer living in a community where the population of African American is less than 30 percent. (Clark) Studies showing the trends of mobility actually show that neighborhoods or communities with relatively high population of Black families have the tendency to have a â€Å"collapsed† population of white families (Quillian 1999). This means that white Americans tend to move out the place if it is more dominant of the black Americans. In the long run, these neighborhoods would be dominated fully by black Americans. Perceptions on Crime Empirical studies were never really enough to back up the perception of neighborhoods and communities about crime. There are no really a significant number of studies which focus on the black-on-black crimes. But then there are two main factors that are believed to influence the perception of a neighborhood towards crime. First is the observable characteristic which is the neighborhood’s racial composition. In the United States, for example, most of the neighborhoods or communities can be categorized into either dominant of blacks or dominant of whites. Factors like economic class where an individual belong is not easy to gauge based on physical characteristic. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME† PAGE#3 The second factor would be the stereotypes that relate a certain group of people with crime. An example of this would be the African-American or the Blacks who are often associated with rampant crimes known by all Americans (Devine and Elliot 1995). Studies furthered that information that are consistently seen are stereotypes are most likely to be noticed or remembered by people than those information stereotypes that are not usually used (Robert, Evans, and Fulero1979). Stereotypes may also lead to the salience of the stereotypes which are associating certain groups of people on committing crimes. Thus, media reports would most likely to focus on news reports that are guilty of stereotyping. These kinds of media reports reinforce the association of crime and race in the minds of the people, or to be specific, to the mind of the audience. Causes Divergent to the common notion that racism or discrimination is the main cause of black-on-black crime, there are actually a lot of factors causing the perpetuation of such crimes. Racism or discrimination is not the sole reason for the existence of â€Å"evil attitudes. † Among of them urging â€Å"evil attitudes† are: high rates of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and births, abortions, child abuse, and broken families that continually hound the different black communities. Empirical data show that teenagers or the young adults are the ones who are usually involved in troubles, thus increasing their vulnerability to committing crimes. These data apply to Black Americans. But these figures cannot actually generalize all of the Black Americans. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME† PAGE#4 In the case of Unites States, youngsters (or the Black Americans to be specific) are usually involved in peer groups some even call it â€Å"gangtas. † Majority of these kinds of groups are said to be constantly involved in riots or rumbles mostly with their fellow teenagers and Black Americans. Teenagers are groups of peers who seem to act like a â€Å"broken window† which signals crime (Maxfield 1981). This most likely applies most likely to young black men (Anderson 1990) in neighborhoods with â€Å"mixed racial† inhabitants. Combating Black-on-Black Crimes The problem on black-on-black crime cannot be instantly resolved. The way towards the solution of this social problem would really entail a lot of efforts and factors. It may take years, decades or more for us to get over or to lessen the rate of black-on-black crimes. But then, if we are really determined to combat or at least lessen the figures of the occurrence of black-on-black crime, then, we will surely be successful in our aim. This plight is not just the plight of the Black Americans. Everyone is affected when Black-on-black crimes happen—whether directly or indirectly. As follows are the probable solutions that may address the social plight on black-on-black crimes. Some may be too mundane for some, but it will contribute to the eradication of the problem. One of the main factors, perhaps, pushing the Blacks to commit crime against their fellow Blacks is their low self-esteem. We can avoid the Black on Black Crimes by giving them enough and proper education not only to the African-American children but also to the Caucasian â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME† PAGE#5 children. It is because, the usual educational curriculum among schools, especially in the K-12 levels, is teaching that European descendants are the superior race while the Blacks are inferior. Another is â€Å"identifying and helping potential offenders. † We should first identify who are the common groups of people are involved in black-on-black crimes. Researches show that black-on-black crimes usually happen among the youngsters. We should help them in overcoming their unpleasant behavior. Those behaviors are, in reality, brought about also by some social factors. There are certain problems within our society that need to be immediately addressed before we could completely dwell in our problem on black-on-black crimes. More so, better law enforcement could also help in eradicating the problem on black-on-black crimes. Also this will not really guarantee that crimes will never happen again, this will ensure that there is a strict monitoring of what is happening in the society. But then, there should also be also respect on the Black offenders. They may be criminals, but they should still be treated as human. If offenders are immediately identified, there will be lesser crimes as the police or the authorities are faster in terms of solving the crime. Part and parcel of this solution is also the strict implementation of available laws. If authorities are not strict in implementing their own policies pertaining to crime, offenders will not be intimidated and ashamed to commit any crimes—whether it is a black-on-black crime or not. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME† PAGE#6 And last but not the least, there should be â€Å"community involvement† in fighting this social predicament. It is not just an issue of Blacks against Blacks. It is an issue concerning everyone. The Blacks should not be treated differently by the society. It is just the complexion that differs, anyway. In a study conducted by the Chicago Crime Factors and Neighborhood Decline in 1978, respondents were asked about their perception on the crimes that are happening in their community. The survey was done through a telephone survey involving 3300 household members in eight chosen community areas in Chicago. The communities were chosen in terms of their racial composition, property values, and crime rates. In each community, there were 400 household members chosen randomly. Based on the results, there is a significant association of racial composition to the respondents’ perception on the crimes in their neighborhood. As hypothesized, as a neighborhood has a higher percentage of Black American inhabitants, the respondents have higher perceived rates on the crime rates within their community. The association of Black Americans with crime rate is both applicable to Black and White Americans, who are the respondents of the study. The survey conducted in Chicago just shows how the Black Americans are perceived by White Americans and even by their fellow Black Americans. They are associated with crimes. We have to break this particular stereotype than Black Americans would mean higher crime rate. Instead of being mere observers of this social plight, we do something to break this kind of problem. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME† PAGE#7 Black-on-black crimes usually happen because of the treatment that the Black Americans get from the society. If we open about our racial differences, Black-on-black crimes would be lessened—at least. We would just usually smirk if we hear stories of crimes committed by Blacks on their fellow Blacks. Our mind set is that, we are not affected, anyway. Some even blame the Blacks alone for doing those â€Å"criminal acts. † We tend to forget that everything is connected to everything else. We tend also to â€Å"wash our hands† over the issue of Black-on-black crimes. We are unmindful that we have also our part on the perpetuation of these kinds of crimes. Conclusion The society is a very crucial factor towards the development of an individual. The environment is a vital determinant on what kind of individual one could be. How the society looks on a particular group of people usually reflect the demeanor of an individual within the group. For example, the case of the Black Americans is a clear manifestation of the society’s prejudice. The salient issue that Black Americans are most likely to commit crimes against their fellow Black Americans affects the psychological being of the Blacks. In a nutshell, it is the society which is the main root of Black-on-black crimes. Ironically, it is also the society which will play the most important and most crucial part towards the resolution of this social plight. A society with open mind is what we need. A society that is void of prejudices, stereotypes, and judgment. By this, black-on-black crimes will be solved. Outline I. Introduction II. Overview of Black on Black Crimes A. Prior Researches B. Statistics C. Perceptions on Crime III. Causes of Black on black crimes IV. Combating Black on Black Crimes References: Anderson, Elijah. Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. Clark, William A. V. â€Å"Residential Preferences and Neighborhood Racial Segregation: A Test of the Schelling Segregation Model. † Demography 28. 1 (1991): 1-19. Devine, P. G. and A. J. Elliot. â€Å"†Are Racial Stereotypes Really Fading? The Princeton Trilogy Revisited. â€Å"† Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 21. 11 (1995): 1139-50. Diiulio, John. â€Å"White Lies About Black Crime â€Å", 1995. Edwards, Jennifer. â€Å"Black-on-Black Crime Increasing, Reports Say † Cincy post May 12, 2001 2001 Greaves, Fielding. â€Å"Black-on-Black Crime. † The Coastal Post March 19, 1997 1997 Jones, Annie Lee. † Black Crime, Black Victims. † New York Times July 4, 1982 1982 Jones, R Jeneen. â€Å"The Truth About Black Crime. † 2003. Mason, Timothy. â€Å"On Race and the Measurement of Crime†. 2007. April 10, 2007. . Quillian, Devah Pager and Lincoln. â€Å"Black Neighbors, Higher Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime. † Trans. Center for Demography and Ecology. Meeting of the Population Association of America in New York City. University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1999. Sik, Melched. â€Å"Blacks on Black Crime†. 2007 A pril 10, 2007 2007. < http://www. zimbio. com/portal/RBG+Afrikan-+Centered+Cultural+Development+and+Education/blog/251>. Wickham, DeWayne. â€Å"Where’s the Outrage over Black-on-Black Killings? † USA Today January 2,2007 2007

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A risk that paid off

The greatest and most accomplished men in any age are those who launch out boldly into the unknown, not fearing what the untried paths ahead held in store for them, but believing, even beyond belief, that there was a great prize awaiting them at the end of their endeavors.The journey of life itself is about taking risks and I have never been afraid to press towards my own uncertainties in the hope that the result, though undefined, would either make or break me. There was one considerable risk that I took in my life that turned out to be quite profitable and which has contributed significantly to my development.Some years ago I took on the challenge to invest in some real estate in the hopes that I could reap some financial benefits in either the short or medium run. It was a bit difficult for me deciding to invest my personal resources into purchasing a house that was in need of significant amounts of repairs.When the opportunity presented itself I at first considered that I was not in a very secure financial position at the time that would allow me to recover if I encountered losses as a result of the investment I was contemplating. I weighed the odds and had considerable input from my closest of friends and family in helping me to arrive at a decision.The situation was going to be a challenge to me and I have not been known to back down from a challenge. However, launching out into real estate investment was an uncharted path for me and I therefore feared that things wouldn’t go as well as I desired.In situations like these, when contemplating whether or not to take on risk, Wee and Morse (2007) advise that the equation between the possible successes and failures be weighed carefully. Whatever option I examined in making my decision was a great challenge for me. I feared that if I purchased the property and did the improvements I   would end up losing considerably at the end of the day.On the other hand I also feared that this project was the breakt hrough that I have been begging for for so many years and that I would miss out on a wonderful opportunity. It was Collin Powell who had said â€Å"You never know what you can get away with until you try† (as cited in McGowan, 2007, p. 105) and I wasn’t about to miss out on potentially my only chance by shying away from the challenge. Therefore, my reservations aside, I decided to purchase the property.McGowan (2007) suggests that once prudence is exercised in critical risk-taking situations and once proper planning is in place then the prospect of failure, in any endeavor, is significantly minimized. My attack plan with the real estate investment, was therefore to undertake the improvements to the property I purchased at as minimal a cost as possible so that if the returns on sale were not favorable I would not have lost too considerably.In order to ensure that the improvements remained within budget I had to undertake all of the work on my own. The property needed si gnificant amount of work in terms of tiling, painting and landscaping and I undertook these tasks independently. Of course it was taxing on my energy, time and resources to undertake this on my own. However, each day when I saw the improvements I was comforted that my efforts were not being wasted.Gradually I was able to accomplish all the repairs and produced my own work of art. I was really impressed with the way I was able to face up and kept focus on the task during this critical stage of my investment. My motivation was the prospect that the returns I obtained would be considerable and my efforts would not have all been in vain.The long and short of the story is that I was able to double my investment on the property. When I placed the property on the market it was not long before I got calls from eager customers willing to pay me way above what I had initially invested in the project. The improvements I had undertaken really made a significant difference to the point where I w as able to double the money I spent on the property. Indeed the success of my venture proved to me that, according to Wee and Morse (2007), those who are wiling to launch out and try something new, are the ones that achieve in life.Had it not been for this risk-taking activity my life would have been significantly different to date. For me, aside from the financial gains from the investment, the most important benefit of that single venture is being able to take some time off from work and return to college.For some time I had been considering going back to college but given my work situation I knew I would not have been able to afford the tuition and additional costs any time soon. I am where I am today because of the opportunity afforded me by that single venture.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Animal Farm Power corrupts

Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is a complex book, which conveys a lot information. The book is basically a parallel of the Russian Revolution, but Orwell also wrote this book with, as an objective, to understand the major theme: power corrupts. This theme is obviously presented in the novel, but to simplify your understanding of this essay, Napoleon will be used as an example of a corrupted individual by power. To conclude this introduction, the corruption of Napoleon will be presented under three aspects: Desire, Achievements and absolute power. Dishonest by those in power’, despite the dictionary definition of the word, corruptions could be used in many ways and contexts, here is an example: Napoleon’s, Squealer’s and Snowball’s nature has been corrupted by old Major’s speech. Only his words and idea corrupted the pigs’ nature. Napoleon forgot what he was and only foreshadowed what he would be as a leader. I think that this is the first step of how power corrupts someone. The desire of power makes Napoleon forget about his own nature because he only sees how he could rule the farm. This desire came from the pigs’ inferiority to Mr. Jones and to add some more Napoleon was for sale, so his value to the farm owner was even more relevant. It is the same story in the real life, with Joseph Stalin and the Tsar Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov or Nicholas II. Stalin was a peasant which from nothing got the absolute power because the desire that he had to get it was so big and did some smart moves, just like Napoleon. Stalin took advantage from the situation to get out of his labor class. This communicates that we, inferior people, ‘’hate’’ so much powerful individuals. Not because they are because we would so much like to take their place. This feeling could be summarized with the word jealousy, desire and pride. Let’s get back to our pig, only the idea got him ready to take Mr. Jones’ place, by learning the alphabet and creating animalism as it is said at the page 13 of the novel. Those are two hints proving Napoleon’s corruption and so only because of an old individual who said I had a dream! Now that the corruption cycle started, our pig, Napoleon is ahead of the ‘’temporary government’’ followed with Squealer and Snowball. They took control of the farm and now get advantages which will get them attached to their power. They now could do anything from the farm as they are the leading group and they have Squealer which is all the propaganda that cover up their dishonest activities. One of these activities is stated at the page 14 when Squealer explains to the animals that the pigs need the milk and the apple for their health, that if the pigs were to get sick Mr. Jones would be back on the farm. So all the animals concluded that the milk and the apples shall be reserved for the pigs. We clearly see that the pigs are now manipulating he others animals, another proof that their intentions are again corrupted by power as if the pigs wouldn’t had it, they would never had lie to the other animals on the farm. It’s the same story in real life, Stalin and Trotsky, when Nikolay died, with the control of the Medias they (Squealer) they set up exactly what they wanted. More corrupted than the others, Stalin even took control of one Newspaper and made it the national journal calling it ‘’La Pravda’’ which means the truth in English, by doing so he gets another key to control the population. This show the ‘’Facette’’ of power that everybody would like: the benefits that corrupts. At this point, our individual, Napoleon has already reached a certain level of corruption as he gains more and more power. The last step he can reach is, absolutism and to do so he need to eliminate any other leader and get another way to control despite Squealer to gain the ultimate power. This is exactly what Napoleon will do, by chasing Snowball off the charm with the puppies he took from their mother as it is written at the page 21 of the book. Here we can see the complete corruption of Napoleon as he now has all the power he wanted, he does anything he wants even what is forbidden by the amendment, like drinking alcohol or sleeping in beds. In a parallel world, it’s the same story with Joseph Stalin, who exiled Trotsky, the only other leader that limited his powers. In the both world this complete corruption could be seen because of one detail. Both leaders killed to get their entire power without any problem, act that no slave, normal person or powerless human could do without getting punished. On a deeper level we can even say that by doing so the leaders corrupted their fate and souls because killing is the only way to ‘’divide’’ in a breaking way your soul. Finally everyone would absolutely like to get power as it gets you ‘’higher’’ than others, everyone would enjoy it as it gets you benefits and finally everyone would like to be upon everyone else as it’s human nature. The power really corrupts and one of the main reasons is that man will always want more: let’s take a guy in a Porsche parking beside a Honda civic, he will feel good but he know his power is limited as the dude at the cross light laughs in his Ferrari but even him feels limited when he see that family passing by on their yacht at port. Even them when they are enjoying the sun will see a private jet taking off they will know that the person inside is even more powerful. This cycle will never end because even the owner of this private jet will feel inferior to the guy in the space station with his clown nose. This only shows us that power corrupts because men will always want more as feeling such as happiness aren’t supposed to be developed with properties material and power.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Kant's Philosophy Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kant's Philosophy - Article Example According to Kant there is a priori, an already existing feeling in each human, which guide his actions. It is not the senses or material or experience which gives the conception of right or wrong, instead, right and wrong is already there in every human being. It is up to the individual to opt to go by that â€Å"right feeling† or against it. This inner scale of gauging right or wrong is the one which gives us the sense of duty. Therefore, our actions should be driven through this sense of duty. This implies, that an action is good or bad not because of its end result but because it was done according to the â€Å"inner embedded moral value†. In short, the actions whether the are morally right or wrong have no effect on the consequences This approach would elevate the morality over self interests i.e. â€Å"Morality is not properly the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness†. (Practical Reason : p139)..Havin g agreed on the existence of â€Å"inner feeling† to guide our action Kant proposed that it is our free will which enable us to decide which action to adopt. Utilitarianism is another philosophical thought about morality. It emphasize that the ends must be judged to initiate actions. If a lot of good is coming from an action it is perceived to be justified. In case more of harm is done by some action it should not be carried out. That is, morality is directly proportional to the utility of the action. After the conception of this theory lot has been added to provide it stability in the realistic world. This led to the eruption of many branches of Utilitarianism like Act vs. rule Utilitarianism, Motive Utilitarianism, Two-level Utilitarianism and Negative Utilitarianism. In essence, Utilitarianism is exactly opposite of Kant's moral ethical theory. According to Kant the consequences are of no value and the actions are to be taken by pitching them to "ever existing criteria of morality" which is residing deep within any human being. On the other hand Utilitarianism proponents are of the opinion that consequences are to be assessed before the decision is taken about the correctness or incorrectness of an action. This implies that in Utilitarianism there is no set piece of morality as in the case of Kant's theory. However, despite the above major difference in both the theories there are also two similar grounds. One is that in Kant's moral ethical theory there might be occasions in which ones own interest might be of lesser value in a quest of making ourselves "worthy of happiness". Similarly in Utilitarianism if our good have a consequence of bad for many than we have to forego our good in the interest of better consequences i.e. avoiding bad of many. Conversely if our bad lead to a consequence of good for many than the action to be taken should be the one which is bad for us. Therefore selflessness is what comes out in case of both theories. Another common ground is of free will. In Kant's theory it is your free will to adopt the approach which is in line with the inbuilt morality or go other wise. Similarly in Utilitarianism also after considering the consequences it will be the free will to choose the option of an action which has more good or more bad. In both the theories the actions are not dictated as a predetermined course and totally oppose the fatalistic approach to life. It is always difficult to really give a final verdict about the veracity of such ideas. The moral ethical theories of Kant and Utilitarianism have converging and diverging views at different levels. However, Utilitarianism did try to accommodate a shade of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Maketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Maketing - Essay Example Of course the first ability with which an individual’s sales performance can be judged is their ability to sell. Since a person makes a certain amount of commission on everything they are able to offload to a customer, the more merchandise they can move from their hands to the customer’s house the more effective they are as sales persons. In fact, that seems to be the primary criteria of assessment at all the websites mentioned in the question. The ability to sell is not a singular talent since it requires several skills in combination. For example, a person must have high confidence, high enough to handle any tricky question from the clients and they should be able to convince them of the benefits of a product within the short time they have. In fact, if they are good at convincing people to a certain viewpoint, that can be an advantage since they might be able to up-sell or have the client purchase additional accessories for the same product. The analysis of individual websites shows that Avon wants people with ambition. Using terms like â€Å"Sky’s the limit† and giving the idea that a person could make as much as they wanted by selling Avon products really shows that they want go-getters. Additionally since Avon has outlined a career path, they are also looking for people who have management skills since there is a possibility of managing a team which requires efficiently handling a group of people. The benefits package offered by Avon highlights the ways the company makes it possible for parents to devote more time to selling their products. This leads me to believe that the time investment in the process is significant which may not be true for the business model offered by Betterware but they have not outlined their benefits on their website. However, Betterware’s website is more focused on the career path and personal development. This is because Betterware offers training for those sellers who need it and clarifies the

Should high schools in America be single or mixed gender, (should high Essay

Should high schools in America be single or mixed gender, (should high schools be all boy all girl or should they be mixed) - Essay Example The same is discussed at length in the paper, to arrive at a logical conclusion, regarding the viability and credibility of single-sex education as the most preferred and beneficial environment for learning. Today there has been a renewed interest in assessing the type of educational environment for students – i.e. single gender or coeducational setting and its likely influences positive or otherwise, on the learning abilities of the students enrolled therein. Various claims have been made by supporters and critics alike, regarding the likely impact of the educational environment or type of schooling on fostering the leadership skills, risks associated with sexual harassment, availability of better opportunities as well as eliminating or fuelling gender stereotypes. While some researchers have stressed on the advantages and significance of single-sex education as the single most tool of enhancing the educational experience of the students and securing their long term prospects, yet others have vehemently opposed the same, categorizing such a system as essentially reintroducing gender barriers and providing differing treatment to students on the basis of their gender. Although, with respect to any given educational setting, learning outcomes are a consequence of an interplay of various factors – such as, social, emotional, psychological, physical and intellectual and can hardly be construed as resulting from a single variable. The educational policy of the schools, composition of subjects taught, family background of the students etc work collaboratively towards enhancing the student’s overall performance. The change in socio-cultural environments have brought about significant transformations with regard to the opportunities available for both male as well as female students and hence played a major role in revolutionizing their educational experiences (Bracey, 2007). During the early 20th century, the country witnessed a shift from the highly

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Progress Statement and Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Progress Statement and Development Plan - Essay Example Misunderstandings occurred occasionally due to communication breakdown and conflicts arose between team mates when there were different thoughts and ideas. I attempt to develop my communication skills and work in a multicultural group by slowing down my speaking speed and pronounce the words correctly in order to convey my ideas and messages clearly. I also try to improve my vocabularies by extensive reading. Besides that, I would like to make effort in developing my interpersonal skills by practising patience and high tolerance rather than being aggressive when facing conflicts. Two-way communications, mutual understanding and positive feedbacks are important in resolving conflicts and disputes (Agar, 1994). Thus, I have learnt to be a good listener and be open to constructive feedbacks and comments. This is especially important if I am to work in a diversity workplace in the future. Time management is another challenge which I have encountered. I faced obstacles in balancing my in- class time, time spent on assignments, study and entertainment. Time management skill is important in overcoming the problem such as careful planning of work, tight monitoring of progress and revision of plan when necessary (Smith, 1994). It would be useful to set a personal goal and develop a flexible schedule to assist me in prioritising my activities. I plan my day ahead and maintain a list of activities which must be done daily at the same allowing room of flexibility for unexpected incidents. It enables me to recognize tasks which are urgent and in need of special focus and attention followed by the important ones. In this case, I would be able to meet deadlines such as assignments deadline without any last minute rush. This skill would definitely assist me in future career success as the optimum use of time would lead to increase work efficiency and productivity. On the other hand, it ensures that I am not overloaded with work contributing to less stress and pressures. Additio nally, numerical skill is another area which is in need of improvement as it is critical for my accounting module. Numerical skills involve the ability to recognise and utilize numerical data and reflect on a person’s general intelligence and ability to rapidly perceives, processes and calculates numbers (Psychometric Success, 2011). Employers often recognise the importance of numerical skills in work practise and incorporate it as one of the selection criteria in the recruitment process. This is evidenced by the compulsory completion of numerical ability test by candidates during a job interview. The level of tests would however depend on the relevance of skill to the job (Royal Holloway University of London, 2011). As practise make perfect, I am commit to perform mathematical exercise on a weekly basis and apply it on a daily basis to resolve practical calculations. Moreover, I attempt the numerical skills test available online to assess my skills and continuously monitor m y progress. This would not only assist in my current academic success but also increase my employability. Besides that, I would require to enhance my presentation skills as it is useful in every aspect of work and life. Effective presentation and public speaking skills are essential in my university as it is part of the assessment requirements. From a business perspective, it is insufficient to only display capability in work but also be able to be presentable and talk and write well in order to be

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Plitical scienceNormative ideas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Plitical scienceNormative ideas - Essay Example Normative ideas can hence be defined as coming into existence when predicted development are connected with ideas about desired or undesired development, and when the insight of this connection consequently establish a concern about developments that will take place in the future and probably a need to make a choice (Scheuer & John 214). For instance, when one associates predictions about further technological innovation of the agricultural sector to ideals that hold that policies should be aimed at protecting against environmental exhaustion, concerns may be established about the escalation of agricultural production. It is suggested that normative ideas are either found among the public or directed to the public. Therefore, normative ideas may be seen as public sentiments on one hand that are basic and often implicit that sets boundary for an array of acceptable solution while, on the other hand, they may be used by decision makers strategically to frame policies that will be accep table among the public (Scheuer & John 214). ... Several scholars have tried to define more clearly how we can characterize ideas that have both normative and empirical character. Some classify ideas from the high normative level down to the empirical by distinguishing between principled beliefs, world views and causal beliefs. Ideas play a role both in the contested forefront of politics and in a more established background which is usually taken for granted (Scheuer & John 215). In a detailed empirical reality and analysis, there is detailed causal effect relationship with a more embedded background, wider world views and policy paradigms which are more taken for-granted ontological assumptions about reality and systems of theory used to interpret this empirical reality. Empirical analyses proximate reality and construct ideas as detailed empirics, causal beliefs and explicit empirical theories which are based on paradigms, deeper assumption and systems of thought about empirical reality and policy. On the other hand, normative l evels involve frames and ideas that are based on cultural sentiments, deeply held public sentiments norms and ideologies. An idea as a cultural value denotes normative setting, postulation about good and bad and about an ideal world (Scheuer & John 217). Frames, on the other hand, are foreground ideas symbols and spin images that package reality and, which help structure the terms of popular policy thinking and discussion (Jayapalan 254). Empirical analyses of political issues sometime may not serve the intended purpose fully well. It may lead to certain expectations about the future, but these expectations become falsified by occurrences. For instance, in 1980, there were parliamentary elections in Tamilnadu which were followed by assembly elections. From the observation of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Development of a Leadership Plan Research Paper

Development of a Leadership Plan - Research Paper Example This has led to the emergence of several rehabilitation centers and organizations to assist drug addicts within Ohio State. Lome Counseling and Support Group are a volunteer association initiated by five members who had a passion to help drug addicts abandon their destructive activities in the society. It was started in the year 2000 and has grown immensely due to the support from the government, private organizations and well-wishers who had the passion to reduce the rate of drug use. The group is located in Ohio State and has several branches and support centers within the state which assist various groups of people involved in drug use (Schuckit et al., 1996). Lome is headed with a CEO named James Bond and a deputy director. The other three members are involved in the daily management of the organization and in various administrative posts within the association. All of the five members were initial drug users who had undergone rehabilitation and thus have the passion to assist ot her people engaged in drug use. Program Description Lome consists of various technocrats and experts within its premises who help in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. The program runs through various communities and targets specific people who engage in drugs and substance abuse for various reasons. Consequently, Lome targets drug dealers who sell the drugs to young people in middle and higher learning institutions (Hanson, Venturelli & Fleckenstein, 2011). The program first identifies groups of people and institutions who are at risk of using drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, marijuana among other drugs. Afterwards, the program rolls out plan of reaching them through the organization of workshops, sports, seminars and training program. During the meeting session, the program coordinators engage with drugs and substance users by discussing various negative impacts of drugs on the users and seeking their views. Thereafter, the coordinators of the program advise the youths on various ways of stopping using drugs. The program also incorporates involvement of the youths are the most affected in activities that make them exploit their talents and engage in constructive activities. For instance, the organization arranges sporting activities amongst schools, various estate teams, debates, seminars and various forms of competitions within the society, thus minimizing time available for the youths to engage in drug use (National Youth Network, 2011). The group takes various drug addicts to the several centers it has opened thus ensuring the youths are looked after during the recovery period. Relation of the Program to Selected SP Chapter Lome Counseling and Support Center mainly focuses on drugs and substance abuse in the Ohio State. This is a serious social problem within many societies since it erodes social norms set out to be observed by everyone in the society. This happens when the drug addicts rebel against parents, elder people or even their own family members and only associate with fellow drug users. This was the main reason for establishing the program within Ohio State. The program explores various means of curbing incidences of drug use among the youths who constitute a sizable percentage of learning students. Through the program, the plan is to provide both moral, emotional, physical

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Capitalist Economy Essay Example for Free

Capitalist Economy Essay The right of private property means that productive factors such as land, factories, machinery, mines etc. are under private ownership. The owners of these factors are free to use them in the manner in which they like. The government may; however, put some restrictions for the benefit of the society in general; Freedom of enterprise: This means that everybody engages in any economic activity he likes. More specifically he is free to set up any firm to produce goods. Freedom of choice for the consumers: This means that people in a capitalist economy are free to spend their income as they desire. This is known as consumer sovereignty. Consumers are sovereign in the sense that producers produce only those goods which consumers are willing to buy. Profit motive: In a capitalist economy, it is the profit motive which forces or induces people to work and produce; Competition: Competition prevails among the sellers to sell their goods and among buyers to obtain goods to satisfy their wants. Advertisement, price cutting, discount etc., are found to be the normal methods of competition in any capitalist economy. Inequalities of incomes: There is generally a wide gap of income between the rich and the poor in the income which mainly arises due to unequal distribution of property in such economies. Merits of capitalist economy: The following are the merits of capitalist economy: 1.To attract the consumer, the producer is in a position to bring out newer and finer varieties of goods; 2.The existence of private property and the driving force of profit motive results in high standard of living; 3.Capitalism works automatically through the price mechanism; 4.The freedom of enterprise results in maximum efficiency in production; 5.All activities under capitalism enjoy the maximum amount of liberty and freedom; 6.Under capitalism freedom of choice brings maximum satisfaction to consumers; 7.Capitalism preserves fundamental rights such as right to freedom and right to private property; 8.It rewards men of initiative and enterprise; Country as a whole benefits through growth of business talents, development of research etc., Demerits of capitalism: The following are the demerits of capitalism: 1.In capitalism the enormous wealth produced is apportioned by a few. This causes rich richer and poor, poorer; 2.Welfare is not protected under capitalism, because here the aim is profit and not the welfare of the people; 3.Economic instability in terms of over production, economic depression, unemployment etc., is very common under capitalism; 4.The producer spends huge amounts of money on advertisement and sale promotion activities like fairs, exhibitions etc., 5.Class conflict arises between employer and employee and they will be paid low wages and this leads to strikes and lock outs; 6.Productive resources are misused under capitalism and they are used for the production on luxuries as they are bound to bring high profits; 7.Capitalism leads to the formation of monopolies and 8.There is no security of employment for the workers and employees under capitalism. Reference:

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Has Music of the 1950s Shaped Todays Music?

Has Music of the 1950s Shaped Todays Music? Background Questions Has music of the 1950s shaped todays music? Navjot Who influenced the music in the 1950s? Zainab Was there a particular style of music in the 1950s? Navjot Rock n Roll: African Americans migrated into the north urban cities for jobs, bringing along their unique form of music. Working with American people and being close to them allowed their music to be overlapped which caused the birth of Rock and Roll. Rock and Roll is a combination of Rhythm and Blues. Traditional pop:A mixture of original songs, and hits that were previously made famous by another artist but were recorded to their own version. Pop music in the 1950s has been referred to music that was known before the creation of Rock n Roll, pop music was not in any way similar to Rock n Roll. Country: Country music was a blend of Rock music, swing, boogie, and humour country music told real tales that people could relate to such as love, and events in life. Rhythm and blues: Was a popular music genre combining jazz, gospel, and blues influences. Rhythm and Blues was held responsible by the older generation for encouraging uprising among the youth, who happened to be the dominant audience Who made music in the 1950s? Johnny Cash (Country) Elvis Presely (Rock n roll) Little Richard (RB) Pat Boone (Traditional Pop) Analysis How did music in the 1950s impact conflicts that were occurring during that time period? Following the conclusion of the second world war, music acted as a method of representation to express the ethnic conflicts arising through the development of the civil rights movement. Opinion #1: During this time, Rock n Roll and RB music created somewhat of a foundation for black music However, it was also a period that displayed the success and loss of African-American music production This is where racism in the states can be identified-discrimination at its finest The whites claiming blacks music as their own Opinion #2: Rock n Roll and Rhythm and Blues brought the whites and black together; encouraged civil rights movement How has music changed since the 1950s until now? How do they contrast (differences and similarities) Since the 1950s music has changed largely due to many reasons. technology has developed overtime resulting in auto tune being overused by popular artists of this generation, back them music most like had a story now all music has the same concept or meaning its not unique. Also, the genres of music that are now popular have changed, rap music have advanced massively in popularity.Many bands of the past wrote music that had depth to it: the lyrics were meaningful, they wrote their own music, they played multiple instruments, they didnt use auto tune or synthesizers, making their music unique. Today theres so much technology and advancement that not much music is unique. How did global issues influence the meaning behind music in the 1950s? Why was there particular styles of music in the 1950s? Were they due to a lack of advanced technology and available resources? Technology had a huge impact on the music industry typically in positive ways. Technology allows music to be distributed all over the world at the touch of a button which allows the artist to quickly spread their music. Sampling is another digital technology that has had a tremendous impact on music and being able to perfect everything before being released. Artists nowadays are available for popular and valuable instruments like electric guitars, improved microphones, mastering equipment which provides the audience with crystal clean sound and a greater experience with high quality both in concerts and recording.[1] References: References: [1]change question(cant find info) how technology has changed music over time